Susanna and Daniel

Susanna and Daniel

Caro Stefano,

You photographs were gorgeous. I don’t know which I prefer, the color photos were so vivid and captured all the natural beauty of the
landscape…the house, the lake, the sunshine….and the black and white photos captured our souls in such an artistic style. We are so thankful
to have those pictures. One day, they will tell the story of our wedding day to our children, and to our grandchildren. They will see, through
your pictures, and through the wonderful video, the love

that we have for each other and for our friends and family. The video was OUTSTANDING! What a professional job! It is my FAVORITE
movie!! I watched it 2 times last night, and am looking forward to watching it again!

Thank you for sending us the DVD….it worked just GREAT!

Susanna and Daniel

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