Shaun & Kirsten

Shaun & Kirsten

Dear Stefano,

Sorry we have been so long writing back to you, we have been so busy showing off our photos to everyone.

We have never had such a reaction from people, as we have had when they see your work. lots of ooooo’s & aaaaahhhh’s!! We just were not
expecting our photos to be as wonderful as they are.

Everyone has said they are the best wedding photos they have ever seen!

My father said he thought I looked like a movie star!(Kirsten) One person I showed has an Italian friend getting married in the U.K, and asked if I
thought you would be willing to fly over to do it!!

My Auntie also wanted to know if you had won any awards for your work,”they are amazing!!”

So, as you may have gathered by now, we are both extremely delighted with our wedding photos and very proud

to show them off to everyone We have been asked by Ben to talk to other couples about planning

their wedding in Italia, and if we do , we will

Regards & best wishes Shaun & Kirsten

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