Nicki & Kevin Cortona

Nicki & Kevin Cortona

I am so terribly sorry that it has taken us so long to write:
we can’t belive we forgot to write and sing your praises!

We are absolutely ecstatic with our photographs. You managed to surpass out expectations, which were really quite high, given your work that we had seen before. It has been several months now since we first recived the album, and, I must confess, we are still utterly paralyzed when faced with the task of deciding which one to enlarge and hang above our fireplace.

Everyone who has seen the albumn has effusively praised them as the best wedding photographs they’ve ever seen. Kevin and I are both honored to be in such wonderful works of art.

You really captured us that day, and wewill cherish them forever. Additionally, thank you somuch for making the actual photographing experience so enjoyable. You are an equally wonderful person as you are gifted artist.

Many thanks again,
Nicki & Kevin Cortona

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